Monday, November 11, 2013

Your reasons for living ???

I came across this amazing video clip of the Dalai Lama where he shares about how to be happy and the usual stuff about peace love and compassion.The one thing that got me was his commitments in life.IT GAVE HIM A REASON TO BE ALIVE EVERY DAY BECAUSE HE HAD A JOB TO DO EVERY DAY AND HE HAD A REASON FOR HIS EXISTENCE.

We used to have an english proffesor in college who used to tease his students saying why are you all here ? What is your reason for existence and when the students couldnt answer he would say well even a trash can has a reason to exist.It collects trash so are you worse than a trash can.I think he wanted us to figure out what we wanted in our life.To get a reason

Coming back to his holiness speech here are his three commitments in his life time :

Firstly, on the level of a human being, His Holiness’ first commitment is the promotion of human values such as compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, contentment and self-discipline. All human beings are the same. We all want happiness and do not want suffering. Even people who do not believe in religion recognize the importance of these human values in making their life happier. His Holiness refers to these human values as secular ethics. He remains committed to talk about the importance of these human values and share them with everyone he meets.

Secondly, on the level of a religious practitioner, His Holiness’ second commitment is the promotion of religious harmony and understanding among the world’s major religious traditions. Despite philosophical differences, all major world religions have the same potential to create good human beings. It is therefore important for all religious traditions to respect one another and recognize the value of each other’s respective traditions. As far as one truth, one religion is concerned, this is relevant on an individual level. However, for the community at large, several truths, several religions are necessary.

Thirdly, His Holiness is a Tibetan and carries the name of the ‘Dalai Lama’. Therefore, his third commitment is to work to preserve Tibet's Buddhist culture, a culture of peace and non-violence.

His commitment in his life made me think a lot and i was wondering what are my reason for living.Why am i here? We all go through a phase in our life time where we question everything us and start thinking what is the point in all of these things that we go about doing.

I remember a story of Buddha where a man going insane with all his curious thoughts ask Buddha why is the sky colour blue? and the reply that Buddha makes i think is what reason do you have to ask about the sky?Is it bothering you ?Is it harming you in any way? Does all theses sort of questions bring you happiness. Can you change the colour.If the answer is no then the only thing you have control over is your own thoughts and perceptions so control them and let go of all questions.

Very wise words when it comes to such questions cause we are all the time thinking about what, when, how and who knew the beatles had the answer when they said it outloud "Let it be"

Any ways coming back to the orginal topic .I know Buddha meant for us not to be distracted in any ways like i did .For even he had a reason to live and his was to spread buddhism to each and every individual so that every one could attend their own happiness and rest just didnt matter to him.

After a lot of twist ,turning and scratching my head.I finally figured out my reasons for existence and i am sure it connects with all of us so:

Commitment 1: To be the best version of my self and be content.We all have our own shades of grey and we go through the ups and downs and commitments like this help us get a perspective.When you have a purpose to be the best version of yourself everything else just falls into place.For example i would want to be confident,bold, happy well educated with values .So that at the end when i am old and grey (forgetting impermanence :P) i would look back and know that i did all that i could with my heart and soul , that i lived the best life that i truly deserved .To be the best of what i can be in any terms be it healthier,stronger responsible nicer everything that my heart and soul wants.

Commitment 2: I know His holiness is a living Buddha and i can only aspire to be even 1 percent of what he is but what i learned through his commitment is that he lives solely for the purpose of other beings.I know now that i cannot make everyone happy all the time .So i have set my priority To love respect,care and always be there for my girl friend.I know it may sound a little unreasonable cause as couples live in togethere and when everything becomes mundane,monotonous loving seems a little too hard.

I have not reached that stage , i hope we never reach that stage where we are married ,take each other for granted and become just mean living corpse.I am not experienced enough to know about those things and i hope i never get enoug experience.For now i beleive with everything that i have that i will always try to be a good human being for her. For she gives me a reason to breathe and smile when i go to sleep at the end of the day.

Living for others works in funny ways when other people are down you find ways to make them happy and when they are happy you cant help but feel a sense of happiness and satisfaction at the end of tha day.So make some smile today.

Commitment 3 : Close your eyes think of some one who has shown you compassion at all times,who have cared and given love, at times tough love also to make you better .My third commitment is to always respect love and do all it takes to make my parents happy.I think nothing gets more noble than that and i am sure at the end when i look back i will feel a little sense of satisfaction knowing i treated them right.As some one said happiness is only real when shared and i would to share all of my happiness with them.

I am just a young guy with all my sense of wild beliefs and funny fascinations,but if it makes me a better person and if it makes you feel a little positive i think everyelse just doesn't matter. so why are you here?what are your reasons?

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Things i have learned that school dont teach

Life is a journey and as we pass by being spectators to all little things around us, in a jiffy we find out that life has in fact passed us by and those sweet old school days are just a vivid memory of us molding into different characters.If i could write myself a letter to my young self being in school i would have so much to say.Though It is because of all different events that we become who we truly are.School teaches us a lot about values, education ,being friends and generally growing up.However when you get out into the real world its a whole different ball game .The things that school don't teach us.These are my list of what i learned.I know every one has their one different things and might not agree with me but i am sure some of us have learned that :

Hard work beats Talent any day.

Remember the kid who always stood first in class,or the guy who did exceptionally well in sports.How they would always do well as if god had selected his favorite few and was blessing upon them.I am sure the topper wasn't playing police and chor with you after school or watching television after dinner like he said he was.

I  have always had a low self esteem and would always beat my self up comparing to them.I am sure the kid who stood first had spend hours reading books and studying ,the kid who who did well in sports wouldn't be good if he spend all day playing contra( video games), now would he?

There is always a limit to how much far talent can take you but if you do not put in the hard work, its a waste of the gift you have upon you.

If you have a dream ,if you want it bad,then you gotta put everything on the line and go for it day in and out..Then you can be the next Lyonchen.

PS: Never let your self believe the teachers who tell you that you are smart; it just makes you think you will do well in exam and you manage to get an average grade

Friends come and go.

The special bond that happens as a kid school is genuine i believe.We make friends not based on any judgements but it just happens.You meet  someone and ask wanna play? and there you become friends.

The very special people who used to be the most important ones for you ,the ones whose judgement you trusted the most, the ones you always hung out with eventually fades, anyways most of them do.

You are friends and before you know it life happens.You go to different colleges , meet every now and then soon you find that you have nothing in common.Your priorities change your timings change and you lose them and that is OK .

They were placed as special moment there to touch your life for a moment and go.Only for a special few ones that teach you about real friendship most just pass by.

Don't beat yourself up too much.You are unique like every one else.

Being in school is tough. Its a place where you have thousands of students to compare with who are always on their toes being judgmental about how you walk, talk and act.At one point it feels like school is the whole world.

Those years are so hard ,no wonder all lots of young people commit suicide.Those hard moments feels like its the end of the world.

Don't beat yourself up too much.You eventually learn that all of it doesnt really matter and what makes you happy is the most important thing.

As you grow older it just doesn't matter if you don't have a branded shirt.If your lover finds you sexiest in a torn worn out shirt then that's it.
It would be just hard to walk around being a price tag, trying to keep up every time.

It just wont matter that you do not have friends at some point, you realize you are strong enough by your self.

It doesn't matter that you are not good in sports or in fact not good at anything .Celebrating the fact that you are healthy and you have food on your table is a reason enough to celebrate.

All that you ever dreamed of might never come true but just know,Sports is for fun, guitar is for singing , books are for losing yourself in them , friends are for celebrating the joy of companionship and it goes on , its in the little things you find your joy.

It doesnt matter that you have the prettiest girl in school firstly you must love yourself enough then you are bound to find some one that loves you.

At the end you find out that you tire yourself out by trying to impress people and do thingsto get a friend of be cool.

Its hard to keep up with the latest fashion and sometimes you just gotta let it go and walk around in ur bata chapal around town.Things get easier.

Your mom was always nice.

Remember the days in school where you used to think how your parents were the most stupid people and do not know anything. Those rebellious days.

I have learned how hard it can get in life.How they sacrifice their dreams for their children.
You put yourself in their shoes and find out in fact they have the biggest heart that always glow for you no matter how mean you were to them.

I want it now.

Being a kid you have all that energy and you want it all now.Well it never works that way and when you grow up you find out that you just lose yourself trying to do a million things and you don't get a single thing done.You realize that patience is a virtue and realize pacing yourself is best before you start a journey.

Habit makes a man.

Thoughts becomes action ,which in turn becomes habit and then becomes your character.

All the little habits you pick up in school tend to stick with you for most of your life.So if you think you are strong enough to smoke one cigarette a day to be cool in front of people,trust me it will be a stick that sticks with you.It would just be hard to give up

Developing good habits from childhood is important.If you are grow up being happy as a kid then you grow up to be a happy adult.
Depressed and low self esteem sticks with you for most of your life.Though it can be helped later on but it takes a lot of effort cause you are built that way.

My teachers should have taught me how to come to school early or how to talk to people rather than what southwind comes from the pi chart to the hydrogen in nuclear s law?Not saying that these aren't important it makes you know about how everything works but developing a character is as important as that.

Next Lyonchen??

It is good to have ambition or a direction in your life , but always know that things may take a side turn and you may be just a chef in lyonchens house,How ever take pleasure in it and you can at least decide on how lyonchen would be eating his next meal.

Morning people tend to more happier than night owls so get your sleep.

You are never to old to play games.

Every one grows up but  maturity level depends on the person i am talking to.

You are only as happy or as sad as you let your self be.

Life is not always fair ,not always rainbows and butterflies and not always "ha ha he he" but its worth living every second of it. Look at the little things


Sunday, August 18, 2013

101 Things you didnt know about me

I just wanted to share and let people know things about me.Not like i am a famous person or anything.We all have these little things that makes us all same in different ways .So this is my 101 :

1) I am a kid at heart.

2) I was once beaten up by 12 guys all surrounding me after i tried to help out a friend.

3) i have a tattoo that makes real deep sense to me but it seems totally ridiculous to people around.

4) I have been in true love once ,i mean i still am at the moment.

5) I know most go through it but i have suffered with depression and anxiety most of my life and still affects my every day life.I could never talk about it openly and left it untreated

6) I love old hindi songs and humm along with it every chance i get.

7) I had been nick named as Gunda once as a kid cause i was quite naughty.

8) I still have a fear of hitting any other person.More than that i have this fear that i would get hit and i would be in a panic state and be all numb to do anything about it.

9) I cry for most little thing and i get very emotional for little things like a sad movie.

10) I have tried weed,sniffing and major drinking.I have not tried eating pills cause i have a fear that i might OD.I still smoke and drink occasionally.

11) I have never felt the feeling of losing some one in life and thus take every one for granted.

12)  I have had bad self esteem my whole life and do struggle with it every day.

13) Being the youngest in siblings do leave you in the shadows and makes it hard to shine on your own.

14) I would choose love over money.

15) I play a lot of sports but not that good at it,but i do enjoy and try to play every time.

16) I used to take every game as challenge and used to take it over serioudly ending up beating myself ,i dont do anymore.

17) My dream is to get a house in Thimphu just like every one else here , most of us though.

18) I dont flirt or cheat ,i am not really good at it also but main reason i dont is i care too much for my girlfriend and cant picture how it would hurt her so i dont.

19)I do beleive in soul mate now.

20) My biggest fear i believe is Public speaking.

21) I think i would be a great dad,I meani want to be.

22) I always choose the quiet preety type over any loud bold confident beautiful one. i feel it just clicks with me.

23) I have never had a pet, I would love a dog someday i could call it mine.

24) I have never heard my family say i love you one another.I know it through the care and action we put in for each other.Though it is hard when we as a family take each other for granted.

25) I really care for my family and would anything for them but mos times its so gloomy and everyones upset over things i cant stand it.

26) I donot like my work but i make effort to do good at it and i do ok for now.

27)I once stole from a grocery shop in town  and proudly showed it to my parents at home.My mom whooped my ass so bad i never did again.

28)I wish i could win the basketball tournaments here but now am getting used to not winning it and saying its ok.

29)I have lots of friends but not a close one.I used to party all time but never had a close fren.

30) I want to take public speaking classes.

31)I want to be an artist any kind actor painter , writer , musician.

32) I want to live abroad once,I have lived in Thimphu my whole life and studied in India for 3 years . I want to live abroad as in over seas just to get over my consciousness over speaking in english.

33) I still believe my parents think of me as being useless and dumb but now i am ok with it and just live on my own terms.

34) i love romance and feel its the best part of a relationship but i am still learning all that.

35) I love the feeling of being in love.

36) I have had a sibling sibling pass away > i was a kid i dont remember much.

37) I have a tough time managing money and am broke most times.Being a government worker doesnt pay much at all.

38) I used to get late for everythingand still struggle being one time for work.

39) I once had this diarrhea problem and went ahead ahead with my business right next to the street cause i couldnt control it. I was in my 12 standard.

40) I still wonder and marvel at how girls sleep around.i still believe in the old school family values.

41) I watched the SECRET and tried it didnt really work for me but helped me a lot with positivity.

42) I meditate every now ad then .

43) I still struggle with anxiety every day.

44) I have had 3 girl friends till now.

45) Once in school , girls decided to play who is good looking in class and rate them.I was voted second in class.I didnt mind cause the first was way too preety to be a guy .It helped me boost my confidence.

46) I internally wish that my blog went like world famous and i made a living over people wanting to read it.

47) I stare at girls every time when i am driving around and feel good about myself when i see them intrested.

48) I used to struggle with sleeping and used to lay till morning getting depressed.

49) I have cut my self on the wrist and used to think about suicide all the time.

50) I lost my virginity very late and used to lie to frens making them beleive i was not.

51) I was always an average student and average in everything and i am ok with it.

52) I am in love and really hope to marry this girl

53) I really do believe she was sent for me

54)I wish i had a killer body but i eat way too much and a lil potbelly is starting now.I still cant stop eating.

55)I eat Baba and i like it .Though i have tried to stop it cause it gives me anxiety.

56) I am real introvert and prefer being inside most times and enjoy being in small groups when i am out,

57) I get major panic atttacks when i have to do presentation and i struggle with anxiety for weeks.

58) I had to suddenly change school as a kid and i belive i got lot of psychological problems cause i was the one one in a new class and i had to cope with it.I am doing dealing with it for now.

59) I really want to go to Australia to earn major massive money.

60) My next goal is build a house after that i might start relaxing.

61) I love listening to deep songs while driving.I noticed that i listened to sad songs and it made me even more depressed so now i have changed to happy tune

62) I enjoy the bitter sweet feeling of being depressed and crave for it at times.

63) At the moment  i am still in the phase of having a hairstyl like the kid of terminator ,or the young leonardo or brad pitt in meet joe black.

Friday, August 16, 2013

A letter from good feelings.

Here is the second topic from my 30 days topic list of the challenge. Issuing an apology

Dear You

I am sorry today.I am sorry for you.I hope you get this and hope it makes you feel better.

I am sorry for all the rough nights you went through.All the constant struggle you have been through. Don't let all your pain make the sparkle go away, let it shine, let it glow.
I wish life was all rainbows but we go through the dark shadows to realize what colors we need to make it worth coloring for.

I  remember the first time you got your heart broken,Man!!was it tough to let go.
All you could do was cry your heart out.
I am sorry that you got your trust broken.I am sorry you learned the hard way, but there are always better things waiting for you.Trust me i know,I have been there.All you gotta do is learn how to pick the right cup of happiness that suits your taste.The kind of ones that fill your heart with so much happiness,your heart wont even have a scar of a crack left.

The ones that makes you smile when you are lost in your thoughts,The ones that make you dream of a future together. The ones that makes u giggle all night on the phone.The ones that makes you stare deep into an evening twilight and lets you know that everything is going to be all right.

I am sorry that dream job of yours got taken by some one else.I wish i could make it happen.Sometimes dreams do get shattered ,you don't always get what you want in life .All the paintings you made as child to grow up to be painter doesn't always sell ,You do not always make a living out of things that you love.You grow up to do a boring job day in and day out. I have found a trick though, listen real careful now,here it goes.If you start liking your job It doesn't seem so bad,the ride is all worth while. I don't mean now to give up on your dreams, go ahead make that master piece, make the winning goal at your own pace.Always keep trying keep your heads up in the cloud but your foot stuck in the sand.

Life is not a race,You dont have to sing like The fray infront of every one.Just grab a guitar ,get a cup of coffee ,close your eyes  on a lazy evening and humm.I am sure things will be all right for now.

 I am sorry your lover doesn't seem so interested in you now, though you give it your best every time.The sparkle doesn't seem to be there any more.Years of togetherness has made it stale for you.You are tired of giving every day but getting nothing in return.I know how it feels i have been there with you,That night when you cried your eyes out and wanted some one to hold on to but all you felt was the coldness of the winter. Trust me i wish i could make it all good for you , I ma not sure though that every time you curse at your lover every time you nag your lover it helps make your life better.Instead of crying nagging,feeling ptitful i really wish you would do one thing for me now.
Love yourself first, whether it is the good side or the bad side of you love on dreams ,take pride and happiness in little things.Then soon you realize that you are spreading your love.Share it.Share it like its your duty.You make it happen day in and out.For love is to let go of all self comfort and make others feel blessed to have you around .So make it happen.Give it your all give it your best ,all good things will work out all bad things since you love your self you will find better ways to love.

I am sorry that at times you dont have anything to do and at times you feel like you cant do anything done right.I am sorry you feel so low looking at yourself you cant hardly stand up tall .Dont ,my friend dont.For we all got our own roles to play in this world.Some become magicians,some politicians.You have a role to play to.In this role you donot have to impress your father,you dont have to compete with your siblings.When all around people are getting in the race to get the best job ,the best car ,your role is to watch a cloud flow by.Trust me i know its hard at times though you must work hard you must earn to make a living never forget about the little things ,The little things that make you happy.
Remember as a child when you wake up early looking forward to the day.the sound of rain on the roof top.the wind in your face,The smile of your grandparents.The laughter of little children.I hope i made you smile now.I hope you feel better now.

I am sorry i am not always there for you ,I am sorry i get lost at times But just now this moment i want you to embrace me .

Thank you
Yours forever

Good feeling

Thursday, July 18, 2013

i Hate chick flicks

I remember the last time my girl friend asked me to watch a chick flick and i hated every moment of it .Ok now since that is done to get a nod off of the guys .

Here is the real deal ,i like chick flicks . Labsa i kinda of really like it also .Not like i have anything against a good action movie but i really like it when the girl gets kissed in never been kissed or when the guy says his vows in the vow.I like it when the guy gets his curse away from him in beastly and when she gets to know her real self via the mean girls.

I like it when the girl gets to be in two places at once in walk to remember or when fate leads them to serendipity and the snow just falls on him while he stares out in the snow.

When he finds his true love via a radio show send in by his son being sleepless in seatlle or when harry meets sally.I love being clueless but i do hate 10 things i hate about u and he says she is all that.I also would to thai chick flicks like a little thing called love.

All these kinda movies and the list just goes on just makes u feel good about love life and all the little things in life.I mean whats not to like about these movies.its just simple feel good movies about life in general.So no judging people you can call me Mr sensitive or girly but i do 100 push ups and i got tattos all over my body and i get into fight every now and then so what do you say now??? kidding :D so
 just get these movie guys snuggle in and watch and if somebody seems you ,you can just blame it on your sister, girlfriend and wife leaving the movie around and say you were just browsing.

Monday, March 18, 2013

happieness is a place

I finished college ,I got a job , I became a robotic zombie , I fell in love. I learned to dance the gangnam style .I caught the accent  ,I drank the vodkas ,I went to space, to zone ,I smoked a ciggy .I talked about politics, I voted for u .I quit smoking . I drank the coffee in Karmas coffee and sang a song or two in mojos park. I dated the prettiest girl. I slept with the one that gave it all. I lay awake still in bed hoping to do my best ,to be the best ,the next rock star the next coby Bryant .I want to be the next bill gates and spent my money but that I have not done. I have done it all I have done nothing .Wats next? Where to go?
Happiness is a place.i have to look for it .i want to  settle down there . I feel stuck now, Its been a few months that my girl friend has gone abroad for studies I find myself most of the time alone searching for direction of what I want out of my life. What do you want out of your life. What can we do to improve our life. These are a few steps that I know of and hope it helps you also . (I need this shit as much as you do).This is all of my wisdom from a depressed lazy ass shit man .take it if you want.
Please note that below is not a passage from a Buddhist book.It is not a lecture that you would hear from your parents or your boss .It is just a simple reminder for all of us to awaken the gentle spirit in all of us that makes our life simpler easier. It is to look at the simple things in life .

Meditate: Its only when u learn to listen to your heart that u will find true happiness .It is true. It is when u truly know how is that your brain works that you will know what happiness is all about. But please know that meditation can not be forced and it has to come naturally, to feel naturally.

Watch good inspiring Movies : Most of the people I know here in Thimphu are movie Buff. So watch a good movies.If you look at shitty stuff shitty things will get in and if you look at all the bright and beautiful things in  movies then u will get the best things.
Exercise : Your body is your temple ,as long as you are healthy your mentality will be happy as well.
Laugh and Joke : Do you have that certain some one who makes you laugh ,who makes you smile >Don’t let go off that person .Its not always about being serious life is too short to be sad .So laugh out loud.Go out of your way to find that joke that makes you laugh.
Express Your self : Always express your self ,of how you feel inside ,Be creative , be ambitious let it all out .Let it breathe free.
Sing : As loud as you can , you don’t need a good voice ,you are not here on an audition for a idol.You are her eto sing for your self and for your ears only.
Clean your place ,your self : Clean that shit up .no one likes a dirty slob. As long as you are clean your mind will be clean.The first step out of depression is to clean your self up.

Cant make every body happy all the time : Your father wants you to go get the groceries,Your mom wants to go to twon vit u.Your frens want to chill.Your girl friend wants u to cook for her.Set priorities.See which are important and which are just useless shit.and if it is always decline politely. No one has to be a door mat all the time.It does not make you a bad person.It just means you have your own shit to take care of like they have their own shit ot take care of . You cannot make all the people happy all the time.

Cook food and eat good food. : One of the best sources of relaxation for me to cook my own food and eat it. Basically what I am saying is eat good food ,have a full stomach meal and relax and tell me if that does not make you happy.
Donot stay all day in a dirty room doing nothing much /: This is for my self >Get up.Wash your self up .leave the laptop away and go out for a while .

Think positive when you wake up and when you go to sleep : This really works just when u wake up for 20 min think of all the good things you have in your life. Bethankful for all the things you have .And even when u are going to sleep do the same thing,that shit works like magic .
Love your loved ones with all the warmth inside : Life may be short, I don’t know I am just starting it but always take the time to let your special one know of all the love uhave inside for them.Thats the only thing that really makes sense in life. Other things come and go but its with the loved ones that you define your own life .So light a candle go for that dinner.Buy a present.Write that love letter.let out all the good ness all the warmth you have inside for the special loved one.
Be proactive. I don’t know what that really means but to me it means be prepared you know for any shit to come down.You got office ..boom you got ur clothes ironed your mind set ready shoes polished,,,You got party..boom …you got the shoes shined the mood all high and shit. So be proactive.

Be content : You got a cycle you will want a bike you got this youwill want that it goes on and on and on. Be content in wat you have.Always be grateful for wat u have and u will always smiel :D
Read a good book : Read Buddhism books knowledge is power.Read the kind of books that makes you say oh this is a good book .

Try and be nice to people  : not cause you are forced to do it and since the whole society makes u feel like u have to be nice > I mean no body died from people being nice to eachoteher .Saying hi heloow .sharing food  laughing all that .:D
Good music : listen to good music .The ones that u listen to .Since you have sucha  good taste and others don’t listen to what u listen to .
Drink occasionally:  drink like u are drinking because of the good taste u can feel in in ur body mind and soul and not to get drunk and wasted like a teenager looking to be wasted.Drink slowly drink smartly .drink occasionally.
 Be bold : tell me how to do it.
Do things you really want to do : I want to write ,sing and record ,play sports paint and make my living form either one of this.
Be laid back :There is no need for you to be the most popular the most seen the most happening person in town.U get tired of it .Wear a pajama sit at home read a book light a ciggy make a painitng .go meet a good friend .
Be calm and Breathe : nothing is as important as that all other things don’t really matter.Be calm breathe and shoot that shit head lol.Be calm and breathe.
This is it. : Your life is not happening when you get the next big job .it is not happening when u get the record deal .It is now .This is it .Take a look around things are beautiful .You are awesome and this is your life .make the most of it.
You are not your father brother sister or mother you are you embrace your self embrace your uniqueness .: The above line says it all >you are you. You are awesome. You are you’re your flaws you are you
Take risk : call that girl or boy you been wanting to .do the presentation . Sing the song .Do the shit .Take risk.

Its not always about the money : Money is important period but its not always about that. Its about breathing

Watch less tv

Worry less

Take a breath


For today this is it

Thursday, March 14, 2013

face it not facebook it

Oh what has the world come to? lol ...I spent the whole day staring at a box, days after days trying to find out about life through a box.Isnt my life out there?
i dont think uncle google would know  the taste of a coffee on a rainy sunday evening,reading by the window feel. He would explain it for sure but feel it, feel it,thats different ... on your tougue , ur pallete, the hot tea, the aroma , the sip u take , now thats different, now thats life :D

Face it not face book it.That short curly guy mark zuckerberg really did it. he created this super drug. i spent my whole day checking up on how people ate peanut for breakfast, how they wear different clothes and post it? ( labsa whats up vit that?) u know those girls that have this fashion Blog thing ,they literally change clothes one after another and post it. Waht am i supposed to do after looking at it? That pink jacket is nice but would have gone better with a blue shirt? Lol i mean to be honest i cant even decide what to wear on my nicest day ,so a shirt jean and bata slipper is it for  me . But i am not trying to judge or anything i mean every one has their own thing right so go on .

and another thing ,fashion pages on face book.Till now i have counted like 2000 bhutanese models ,every ones a model now on this fashion street or drukpa model or that thing.Ofcourse i wouldnt mind giving a few poses my self but until that doesnt happen i would say its stupid.

Ok back to face book ,it is addictive ,Morning comes up i have to log in to see my notifications of ap dorji eating his doma ,Am pema posing for the camera,Bum tashi taking thousands of pics to say that i am a model.I want to say that i am wise to know that i am not a part of it But i am guilty i facebook it not face it.We are all in it for the painfully sweet pleasure.

No wonder the government came up with the ban thing .I feel its bad addiction for the mind.remember those days man ,,those good old days where you would go out of your house and no one would have an idea of where you would be .You would be out there disconnected from the whole world yet be connected to all the people near you.It is like the coolest thing if you think abou it. The only way to call friends was through that one land line at home. and the awkward conversations when a girl would call and the whole familys eating in the didning room.

The kids now a days have it easy sure in most ways but they would never that raw feeling of having your snot in your mouth but still focusing it all on the marble.The days of going out to play in the morning and being called out by mom to come in .

The tantrums i throw around now when i dont get my datacard at home.The thoughts of what might ap dorji be doing? what is aum pem doing. its justgets tiring man.and the worst part is i go on days after days liking pictures of people i dont know saying hi to people who i might never meet and that has become my daily life.

 The times when my girl friend would get upset cause i didnt like her pic or comment. Or how i would get sad when she liked some other guys pic ,its just insane.I do let out my romantic side everynow and then on face book .On her wall i write ."You are thte prettiest thang i know and u better know it cause we make a bomb couple and we know it". I give my part of give and take.

Isnt love holy ?,love is pure and magical and i would do everything i can to prove my love for her but to show it to people around that doesnt give a rats ass?? 

Anyways i am deciding to give life more chance and not stare at the box for long. I am going to try and cut down on the net .Read books ,go out on adventures,make friends,laugh ,smile do something something rather then ::

Ap dorji : hi
Me : hi
a;how u doing
me: good how u doing....

Go and face it not face book it 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Such a lazy day and its mine ,,Such a lazy day in office and its mine

I got the idea for my post title from this song

I am not saying we should all be sad like that or anything its just a song .So If you feel lazy cause its the mid of the week and you just dont feel like working .If you are type of worker where you got hundreds of work pending but u just lazy to do stuff and act on it ,then i would u feel me .

So dont worry about a thing have fun smoke weed,drink and stuff and just dont give a fuck about shit . peace for now and sleep on it like a boss .So here is some more laid back relaxed song that makes my day for you.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

things i wish i knew ,,,its from the net :D

56 Things I Wished I’d Known When I was Younger '( frrom the net)

I wish I’d known that failure was an option.
I wish I’d known there’s a difference between friends and drinking buddies.
I wish I’d known honesty, in all situations, is always, always, always the best policy.
I wish I’d known how to grow a pair and be more assertive.
I wish I’d known how to feel comfortably weird about being a little weird.
I wish I’d known how much my mum and dad really loved me, and all the warnings I got came from a place of love.
I wish I’d known that my thoughts don’t have to dictate my life.
I wish I’d known that home really is where the heart is.
I wish I’d known that intelligence is not something you’re born with, it’s something that can be worked on.
I wish I’d known that being positive can really change your thoughts which can indeed change your life.
I wish I’d known how to be myself more and not tried to imitate Tom Cruise’ (Top Gun) confidence (Although singing, ‘You’ve lost that Loving Feeling’ to girls sometimes did work :) )
I wish I’d known that the jacket of life could be altered to suit me.
I wish I’d known how to say No!
I wish I’d known that the phrase ‘just try it’ should apply to everything we do in life.
I wish I’d known that not being perfect is okay, and, in fact, striving for perfection is an impossible task.
I wish I’d known that not being ‘well off’ didn’t mean I didn’t have a rich life.
I wish I’d known that losing myself in a book wasn’t a substitute for living.
I wish I’d known that my thoughts actually control how I feel, and how I feel affects the way I see the world.
I wish I’d known that sex is a physical act and that love is something different altogether.
I wish I’d known that having two strong sisters was a blessing.
I wish I’d known that formal education was only one option in life and not the only, or best, option.
I wish I’d known that starting a business didn’t require as much planning or money as I’d thought.
I wish I’d known never to settle for second best, whether it be in relationships, product choice, or employment.
I wish I’d known that loving yourself was a pre-requisite to truly loving others.
I wish I’d known how to plan my finances better.
I wish I’d known that everything I ever stressed out about would not matter one year later.
I wish I’d known that TV numbs the mind.
I wish I’d known that my mistakes would define me as the person I am today.
I wish I’d known that perfection is never going to happen.
I wish I’d known never to actively participate in gossip, it’s the black death of the soul.
I wish I’d known that nobody can be changed, no matter how hard you try to change them. People change because the pain of changing is less than the pain of not changing.
I wish I’d known how to express my love more.
I wish I’d known that my regrets in life stopped me from moving on. When it’s done, forget it and move on.
I wish I’d known that helping others was the real path to helping every area of my own life, business, and personal.
I wish I’d known that change is inevitable, and rather than fighting it, I should have befriended it.
I wish I’d known not to waste my time and mental energy on people who didn’t matter in my life.
I wish I’d known that life is a balance and I dictate the ratios.
I wish I’d known that it’s okay not to know everything.
I wish I’d known to live in the moment, and not in the future or the past.
I wish I’d known that trusting myself would allow great things to happen.
I wish I’d known that not all people are bad, but not all people are good either.
I wish I’d known that what’s right for me is not necessarily right for others.
I wish I’d known that although responsibility can seem scary, when embraced it gives understanding acceptance and choice.
I wish I’d known that one of lifes skills is to be able to spot genuine people.
I wish I’d known that things have to come to an end to be able to experience new, exciting things in the future.
I wish I’d known that learning doesn’t finish when you leave school.
I wish I’d known how to trust my instincts more.
I wish I’d known that the world is as big as you allow it to be.
I wish I’d known that I had choices, and my route may need to change but perseverance always got me through.
I wish I’d known that the world does not owe you any favours, you have to step up to the plate and be counted.
I wish I’d known that happiness is not defined by financial wealth.
I wish I’d known the importance of working out what was right for me.
I wish I’d known that all actions, always have a consequence.
I wish I’d known that my needs and desires would change over time.
I wish I’d known that doing what I wanted to do was not necessarily me being selfish.
I wish I’d known that where you are born does not dictate where you will end up in life.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Starts with a whistle

Recently have been seeing a lot of cases on molestation and how sad people can get,I remember an incident in Tashigang in a bar,and how i wrote this piece once i got home drunk,how it all starts from a whistle..

...and as i walk through the dusty lanes and enter the bar,,
a very typical shady bar ,dim lights, dirty wall,
it is filled in with men all eagerly awaiting for their turn to whistle,,cause it mostly starts with a whistle,,,
The girls looks barely 16 years of age ,all four of them ,,
 but seems used to the vulgar abuses from the whistlers.
the girls grown accustomed are quick on reply ...
As my whisky flows inside my empty stomach ,and i get lost in the silence of my drink
 ,the whistlers have now started to grope the girls,,,
the girls in return scowls the whistlers but i do see a hint of smile on the girls faces,,
SO young so naive basking in the glory of the attention poured upon by the whistlerss.
and the whistlers looking for every chance to go along with,,,

my whisky is over now ,i tell the little girls that the whistlers are no good and the whistlers are too drunk to hear anything while the girls give me the look of they know better ,,lol i head on out facing the cold wind and looking for a older girl to whistle to.:P